Rhythm & Moves Festival Spain

Toghether  with Partner Acrobatics Acrology is organising the Rhythm and Moves Festival In granada next April!!

Is a open festival suitable for people of all ages with or without experience in any of the disciplines!!

16th to 20th April 2019 at Cortijo Caseria del Mercado-Granada, Spain


A festival celebrating music, bodies and connection

It will be 5 days of different movement disciplines, Movement, Acro, Dance, Parkour, Body Percussion, Martial Arts, Music and Others...

Rhythm & Moves is a concept between a movement training and a festival. The idea is for students to experiment or go deeper in any of these disciplines, being able to explore more in any area. You will get to choose your own itinerary, there will be a minimum of two simultaneous workshops and some classes with all the group together.

For avid movers and those interested in exploring movement practice.

There will be multiple classes of all levels to choose from. Experience different disciples and new inspirations for how you move, train, play.


Chloe de Buyl (Ireland) Dance, Aerials, Choreography

Marie (Barcelona) African Urban Dance https://www.facebook.com/santa.braguita / @marie-la-santa.

Tomas Medina (Granada) Body Percussion https://www.etemi6.com/percusion-corporal @medinarodrigueztomas

David Worrow (Granada) Partner Acrobatics, Acroyoga, Handstands www.acrologyteam.com / @acro_hybrid, @acrologyteam

David Sanjuan (Granada) Partner Acrobatics, Acroyoga, Handstands www.acrologyteam.com / @david_sanjuan_acrology, @acrologyteam

Gonzalo Hachi (Canary Islands) Parkour www.youtube.com/HachiGAEV / @hachikopk

Emily Baxter (Canada) Partner Acrobatics, Prehab, Organizing team https://partneracrobatics.com

Carú González (Canary Islands) Partner Acrobatics, Organizing team www.acrologyteam.com / @caruacro, @acrologyteam

Alberto Poli (Italy) modern-contemporary dance and floor acrobatics http://teamverticallimit.it/acromodernlab/ / @AcroModernLAB

Beatrice Zancanaro (Italy) modern-contemporary dance and floor acrobatics http://teamverticallimit.it/acromodernlab/ / @AcroModernLAB

Fran Creatina RDA (Granada) Capoeira / https://www.facebook.com/francisco.rivasbueno / @fran_creatinarda


More info and questions:

Facebook: Rhythm and moves

Instagram: @rhythmandmovesfestival

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