Altai Acroyoga Festival in Siberia

From the 3rd to the 9th of August 2019, David Wt from the Acrology team had the opportunity to travel all the way to Siberia!! There he shared many workshops at the AcroYoga Altai Festival, in a range of different styles, from icarian and hand to hand, to standing acro and acroyoga, co-teaching with local teachers (who translated to Russian for him!). This gathering, organised by Darya Kalinikina (a very experienced AcroYoga teacher from Novosibirsk, in Russia), takes place every year close to a small village in the Altai Mountains of Siberia.

This year the convention had a total of around 80 participants, mainly of Russian origin, and counted on local and international teachers like Avner Hochfeld (organiser of the Israel Acro Convention).

“This was a once in a lifetime experience, I never dreamt I would go to Siberia! The landscapes were stunning and the festival was magical, I had so much fun! It was beautiful to meet so many Russian AcroYogis and find that they are very warm, welcoming, and heaps of fun! so eager to learn, motivated, and devoted to the practice. Truly a pleasurable experience."
David Wt

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