Acroyoga Social Inclusion Trainning in Barcelona

The week from 19th to 25th August, 60 acroyoga teachers from 12 European countries met in Barcelona to discuss, share, learn, ant to create projects and a network of contacts related to acroyoga and social inclusion.

Carú attended on behalf of Acrology, which as a team has already participated in and organized various activities related to the topic. It was a very productive week, with a program loaded with workshops with diverse contents, from how to start a social project to how to find funding for your project, to how to make a campaign on social media, non-violent communication techniques, and much more... There were also presentations by people with experience in social work with young people, with acroyoga in refugee camps, acroyoga in prisons, creative workshops, music, skills exchange, open stage and many other topics.

This was an important starting point to develop new projects and create a common European platform of people interested in the subject to form a network of support and collaboration. The Facebook page: AcroYoga4all, and the Instagram account: AcroYoga4all were created. In addition, the website of the platform is under development. We will tell you more as the project progresses.

The Acroyoga Social Inclusion Training is a project funded by Erasmus +. You can see more information about the Erasmus plus page and its projects on the web:

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